They Fly 18 Inches Apart
And Why This Matters to Your Success…!
Sometimes, some of the strangest things can point out the most profound secrets of success. Not long ago, we went to the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida. It’s really quite the experience to be there, at one of the largest museums of its kind.
They not only have aircraft displayed on the floor of two large museum buildings, but they have them mounted and hanging from the ceiling.
It’s kinda crazy…!
You walk in, and you almost don’t know where to look first, there are so many airplanes displayed. The museum takes you from the earliest beginnings of U.S. naval flight history in World War I, clear up to the most recent aircraft no longer in active service.
You get to experience up-close-and-personal what it’s like to be on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier (complete with wind and jet fuel smells)…
And, you can even sit in a flight simulator and ride along with the Navy’s Blue Angels stunt aeronautics team. The sign says right up front where you line up, that if you’re prone to air sickness, you shouldn’t do that particular simulator.
Something Wasn’t Right
Speaking of the Blue Angels… In the assembly hall, 4 actual former Blue Angels aircraft are mounted from the ceiling, flying in a pyramid formation.
The tour guide told us a kind funny story about that. He said that, when those aircraft were first mounted there, the Blue Angels commander was invited in to take a look at the exhibit.
The commander looked up at his team’s old aircraft way up above the assembly hall and got a troubled look on his face. He looked, and looked, and finally his expression cleared.
“I see the problem now,” he said. “Those are mounted nearly a meter apart. When we fly that formation, we only fly 18 INCHES apart.”
Talk about taking a skill and mastering it.
The Secret to Mastering YOUR Skill
You probably have one particular skill that you want to master. This might be the one skill that would turbo boost your income. Or, it might be the one particular skill that could take your sport or hobby to the next level. You know… your skill.
An insurance company conducted a study on what made an insurance agent successful. They found that approximately 20 percent of the agents earned approximately 80 percent of the commissions.
The company then looked at the top 20 percent. In that top 20 percent the same thing applied. Twenty percent of the top agents earned 80 percent of the top commissions.
When you break that down, agents in the top 20 percent of the top 20 percent were earning about 35 times the commissions of the average agent.
The insurance company thought that was pretty interesting. It was obvious that the top agents weren’t 35 times better than the average agents. It turned out that each of the top agents was one or two percent better in performing the key tasks than the average agents were.
You can apply the same thing in whatever you do. Become one or two percent better in the most important areas of your area than anyone else in your field is and you will suddenly find that you have very little competition.
The 2% Secret
So, let me ask you a question. Do you think that, over the next month, you can increase your ability in your skill by 2%? Probably, yes, eh?
Then, you probably would be able to increase it by 2% the next month. After all, 2% isn’t that much. And, if you’ve done it once, you can likely do it again.
And, you probably can do it by another 2% the next month, and the next, and the next. This is especially true, since each increment of improvement can be in a different facet of the skill.
So, here’s the thing. When you’ve compounded that 2% improvement over the course of twelve months, that improvement will grow to over 100% improvement in a year.
You may not be able to fly 18 inches away from a jet next to you, but you’ll be one of the best in an area that matters most to you.
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