One Stunningly Simple Habit for Success

Kent Stuver
4 min readOct 22, 2021


Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

Success isn’t easy. But one simple habit can get you there faster. Here is a simple step to unlock this habit’s power.

Did you know that nearly everything you can do, many animals can do better? Eagles can see many, many times better–as much as a mile away. Cheetahs can run many times faster–consistently as fast as a car on a the freeway. Elephants are many times stronger, and can lift heavy loads that we require heavy machinery for.

The one thing that sets you apart from the rest of the animal kingdom is your mind.

Unlocking a Hidden Success Factor

Only in the last 15 years or so have we really begun to understand how truly powerful your mind is. Interestingly, the true powerhouse of your mind is not the conscious part that you use to learn, think, socialize, and plan. It is the non-conscious part of your mind that is particularly amazing.

Impulses in the non-conscious brain travel at speeds of 100,000 miles per hour. This is about 800 times faster than conscious thought impulses, which travel at about 120 to 140 mph.

The non-conscious brain processes about 400,000,000,000 bits of information per second. Your conscious brain processes only about 2,000 bits of information per second.

Your non-conscious brain stores and remembers one hundred percent of everything it ever perceives or experiences, forever. Your conscious brain can typically remember random facts for only about twenty seconds, unless there is some special reason to remember them longer.

It is your non-conscious mind that can make you a success–much more so than your conscious mind can. But, you have to know how to program it. There are many ways to program your non-conscious mind. Here is one simple thing you can do, which has created more millionaires than perhaps any other single thing.

One Simple Thing is All It Takes

To become successful, all it takes is one winning idea. We often think of ideas as thoughts that come randomly into our mind. But, it is actually possible to very deliberately program our non-conscious mind to generate ideas.

All you have to do is this: sit down with a pad of paper and a pencil. Across the top, write down your major objective in the form of a question. Then, write down 20 ideas that you haven’t thought of before. Keep at it until you have the full 20 ideas, no matter how crazy or improbable they may be. Then, repeat this process every day.

Your major objective is the main thing that you want to achieve at that point in time. If you know you want to achieve a particular goal, but don’t know how, then write your question similar to, “How can I become X?” or how can I achieve X?”

After some time, you may have decided on your one winning idea, but may not know how to achieve it. At that time, you may change your question to something like, “How can I accomplish X?” And, you can change your question to any obstacle you may be facing.

What to Expect

There are a couple of things to expect.

First, most of your 20 ideas won’t be any good. That’s OK. Every day, at least one or two of your ideas will have the seed of a potential winning idea.

Second, you will actually find that the most powerful ideas come to you at odd moments throughout the day. They may even wake you up at night. Keep a notepad and pencil with you, and write them down as soon as they come to you.

Here’s what’s happening. There’s a part of your brain called the reticular activating system, or RAS. Every second, the non-conscious part of your brain is exposed to millions of impressions that you aren’t consciously aware of. The job of the RAS is to filter through those millions of impressions and to only present to your conscious mind those things that it understands that you have an interest in.

By doing the 20 ideas exercise every day, you program the RAS to look for ideas to achieve your major objective. Once the programming is in place, your non-conscious brain will throw its entire, massive computational power into searching for exactly what you need. It will do this 24/7, while you’re awake or while you are asleep, while you are socializing with friends or while you are working. And, it will present those ideas to you when you least expect them.

Remember, all it takes is one winning idea to make you a success. So, do the 20 ideas exercise each day, and you will be amazed at how quickly you move along the path to your own picture of success.

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Kent Stuver
Kent Stuver

Written by Kent Stuver

Author. Solopreneur. Gen-X Nomad. Copywriter. Online Marketer. Husband. Grandpa. Sax Player.

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