A Winter of Discontent…
Discontent is usually a sign that we aren’t where we want to be. Here’s what to do about that.
I got a new book by an old mentor of mine, Jim Rohn. While I was reading it last night, something powerful jumped out at me.
He said…
“Excellent goals and high dreams pull you through all kinds of down days, down seasons. They pull you through a WINTER OF DISCONTENT.”
I thought about that.
I realized that it’s actually possible to experience a winter of discontent
at any time: even spring, fall, or summer.
Be, Do, Have
A winter of discontent happens when you realize that you are capable of being, doing, and having more than you currently are.
It happens when you look at your hopes and dreams and realize that, somehow, you’ve been chasing squirrels.
Sometimes a winter of discontent can happen when you don’t know how to go about getting your hopes and dreams.
You may have heard the term: Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Someone once told me that sometimes we need to turn that around and say…
We often have the easiest time in pulling ourselves out of our winter of discontent when we have a fresh insight or course that we can follow to chart a new path to our hopes and dreams.
See also:
- How One Simple Distinction Can Take You From Failure to Success
- 5 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Feel Like Doing Nothing
The Strangest Secret
Back in 1956, Earl Nightingale released a recording of a 30-minute talk called, “The Strangest Secret.”
He talked about the search he made, starting as a boy of 12, to find the secret of success. (I’ll get to more on that in a sec….) That first record led to the launch of the Nightingale-Conant Corporation.
Earl later recorded an album called, “Lead the Field.” And he followed that with many others, including his masterpiece, “Success in America.”
Nightingale-Conant is now perhaps the industry leader in personal development audio recordings. It has carried programs by such legends as Jim Rohn, Ziz Ziglar, Brian Tracey, Tony Robbins, and many many more.
I think you can make a case that Earl Nightingale found the secret of success.
So, what is that secret?
Earl called it “the strangest secret.”
Do you know why?
He said that you can go out on the street and ask a hundred people if they know the secret to success, and maybe 3 will be able to tell you what it is.
So here it is….
We become what we THINK ABOUT, most of the time.
Read that again.
Once you grasp it, this can be life-altering.
So let me ask this..
What do YOU think about, most of the time?
As Earl put it, “Are your thoughts filled with a vision of a sublime future that you create based on your goals and aspirations?”
“Are your thoughts drowning in the mundane mediocrities of every day life?”
The wonderful thing about the world is that we all want to do different things. And, even those of us who are in the same field all want to do that differently as well. If we want to be, do, or have something, for the most part, we CAN.
What do YOU want to become?
THINK about it, to create your plan.
Then THINK about it daily, and ACT to make it happen.
THIS secret can make all the difference in the world.
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See also:
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