8 Things To Tell Yourself If You Want Online Sales Success

Kent Stuver
5 min readDec 17, 2021

These Attitudes Drive Your Online Success

Do you want to be successful making money online? Here are eight mindsets to help you achieve success.

So much of success is all about attitude and mindset. As someone once said, “Your attitude determines your altitude.” These eight mindsets will help you propel yourself to a new level in selling stuff online.

1. I Am Responsible

Successful people accept accountability for their own results. Brian Tracy said that you are where you are because that’s where you decided to be. That may sound harsh if where you are right now isn’t where you think you really want to be.

Results are directly determined by our choices.

Did you choose to binge-watch a TV series instead of take action?

Did you chose not to learn how to market and promote your product?

Did you chose to take a shortcut instead of the tried-and-true path to becoming a bestseller?

Those choices and decisions are now in the past. Successful people own up to those choices and decisions, then move on to make new choices and decisions.

2. I Am Flexible

Successful people move forward based on a plan. But when opportunities come along unexpectedly, you should have enough flexibility to adapt and change your plan.

Tony Robbins says that we should always hold tight to our goals, but that we should adapt our methods and approaches based on feedback.

And, it’s been said that luck happens when opportunity meets preparation.

In all these cases, we need to be flexible enough to take advantage of opportunity when it arises.

3. I Don’t Quit

Winston Churchill once was asked to give a speech to a group of students. They waited for a powerful oration from the man who single-handedly pulled England from the jaws of defeat in World War II. He stood and simply spoke five words.

“Never, never, NEVER give up.”

And then he sat, having delivered perhaps the greatest oration of his career.

His speeches are filled with wisdom about the importance of persistence.

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm”

Even if progress slows, keep moving forward. Dustin Wisnowski said, “Persistence unlocks your potential. There is always a Way.”

4. I Am A Business

When you are an online marketer, a freelancer, a writer, or a solopreneur, it is important to realize that you are a business. Earl Nightingale teaches that there are four core functions in every business. I will add a fifth:

  1. Production
  2. Sales & Marketing
  3. Research & Development
  4. Finance
  5. Legal

How well have you put your plan in place for each of these five areas of YOUR business?

5. I Have Clear Goals

I once heard Brian Tracy say, “Success equals goals. Everything else is commentary.”

Jack Canfield said, “The more clearly we see things the way we want them, the more motivated we will be to take action and make them a reality.”

What are your goals for the next 30 days? The next 90 days? The next 6 months? The next year? The next 5 years?

And, have you looked across the breadth of your live for your goals? Have you set goals in each of these areas?

  1. Financial & Wealth
  2. Career
  3. Free Time
  4. Health & Appearance
  5. Relationship
  6. Personal Development
  7. Community & Charity

Lou Holtz once said, “If you are bored with life–if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things–you don’t have enough goals.”

6. I Understand That Sacrifice Is Important

As the old saying goes, successful people are those who do the things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

What are the things that unsuccessful online marketers are unwilling to do?

Are you willing to do those things?

Sacrifice has been defined as the willingness to give up something good for something better.

This is often what makes sacrifice so difficult. What must be given up is often very good. It often comes down to choices, decisions, and priorities. And, sometimes it is a matter of will-power and determination.

7. I Am Willing To Jump In At The Deep End

What does it really mean to jump in at the deep end?

In most cases, it has to do with taking big steps doing things that we are afraid to do.


Fear is natural, and we all have to deal with it. It is one of the physiological responses that nature has provided us with to protect us from danger.

But fear also keeps us in our comfort zones. It keeps us from moving out into experiences that are new to us or that we don’t yet know how to do.

Mark Harbert has said, “Successful people feel fear and do it anyway. Success is reserved for those willing to push beyond their fears.”

8. I Am Thankful

No matter what you achieve, you owe your success to other people.

  • You owe the teachers and editors who taught you to write your copy.
  • You owe the mentors who taught you to promote and market.
  • You owe the customers who purchased your products.

Zig Ziglar spoke occasionally of the Wall of Gratitude that he kept in his office, where he documented all the people whose help he was grateful for.

Keeping an attitude of gratitude helps to put all your success in perspective. And that perspective brings more success, stacking upon each previous success.

And these are the 8 mindsets for you to cultivate in yourself, in order to accelerate your success as an internet marketer.

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Kent Stuver

Author. Solopreneur. Gen-X Nomad. Copywriter. Online Marketer. Husband. Grandpa. Sax Player.